söndag 23 juni 2024

10 Reasons why some people think Tittharic (Marcus.L.) is worthless.


10 Reasons why some people think Tittharic(Marcus.L.) is worthless

10. For his smallest mistake.

9. Believing in Spiritualism more than other religion.

8. That he has no taste for what is popular such as the current most popular music genre, today's fashion, etc.

7. He does not live up to the stereotypical character of what a man with autism should be.

6. That he lives by his supernatural experiences after being born with Mediumship/spiritual gifts which is condemned in Christianity.

5. Because he is kind and a gentleman who puts morals and ethics before power and status.

4. That he refuses to accept that white people can become extinct.

3. Has an income that means he does not have to work where he instead works in isolation to develop medium e-sports.

2. He allegedly has schizophrenia and that everything of value he claims he lives with is a delusion.

1. That they cannot know the supernatural experiences he lives with due to not being born with mediumship/spiritual gifts.

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