måndag 23 november 2020
torsdag 24 september 2020
torsdag 20 augusti 2020
How often does Tittharic (Marcus.L) have his mediumship / spiritual gifts in use?
How often does Tittharic (Marcus.L) have his mediumship / spiritual gifts in use?
Have contact with spirits:
Every day
Have communication with spirits:
Use of psychic:
Use of Clairkinesthesia physical contact with spirits:
Every day mainly with Rosalia Lombardo (spirit)
Presence of Vision / Dreams of experiencing the spirit world / heaven:
Fable / Favol to experience spirits in images depicting faces:
Every day
Feel emotions and smells from spirits:
Spirits that he has proven to have had contact with:
Rosalia Lombardo only
fredag 24 juli 2020
Marvel, New Mutants: Cypher (Douglas Aaron Ramsey)
"Seen to be one of the worst superheroes but was part of the New Mutants"
fredag 17 juli 2020
måndag 8 juni 2020
tisdag 19 maj 2020
lördag 16 maj 2020
söndag 10 maj 2020
lördag 9 maj 2020
fredag 8 maj 2020
The most common question to Tittharic about Diablo III psychic gaming.
Question: If you are a Medium E athlete with parapsychological
use in Diablo III why are you not in the Leaderboard?
Answer from Tittharic: Being in the Leaderboard not only involves how skilled gaming is,
but also about how enduring and time you have, what is included in the Leaderboard particularly
high up plays almost 24 hours almost every day for several or many years. As a Medium E-Athlete
you have several other things in life such as Travel to other countries, Meet loved ones, be out
in nature, meditate, read books, study, exercise, work, teach others, etc. ... It is about physical
and mental health to be too much in front of a computer screen is a waste of other benefits and
opportunities of Medium E-Sport. Some Medium E-athletes like animals or need to meditate depending
on which Spiritual gifts / Mediumship they are born with. Even though I am not here in the Leaderboard,
with Mediumship / Spiritual Gifts I have even managed to earn awards in Diablo III that some players at
the top have failed.
M.L. & R.L. May 2020
torsdag 7 maj 2020
Angel Message by Michael Medium Jönköping
Facebook: Medium Michael Jönköping, Sweden
Hi Marcus!
Here comes the angel letter you ordered from me.
I enclose it below in a word document.
Please inquire if there are any things you wonder about
or if something is unclear.
All good to you
Michael Medium
Hi Marcus!
Here comes the angel letter that you have ordered. The threads that go through the web of life consist of
own choices and what is determined by destiny / karma. Therefore, this kind of prediction cannot be
something other than a forecast. It is important to understand this before you begin to read the answers
as the angels give.
The areas and issues are
1. Female spirit who has been dependent on me for 16 years.
The question is do the angels know about her?
Answer: The angels talk about your destiny and how it is connected to her. It consists of two parts; her
connection to you and your connection to her. On the one hand, you are medial and experience her, and those experiences
have been important to you and to accepting yourself as well as the different pages you have. (That you are experiencing
supernatural stuff) Then it has with her connection to you. She is stuck between worlds of a special
cause and because you give her attention she becomes, in a way, as you say, dependent on you.
The angels are fully aware of where she is and what she is doing. The best place for her is not to be there
she is right now, but because she herself has chosen to be fixed between worlds, the angels cannot force her
to go over to the light. There is unforgiveness in her and that is why she chooses to be one herself
earthly spirit. You have become important to her because you are one of the few communicating with her, though
you really don't feel good about having her in your presence either. You get low in the mood of her presence and
she takes your energy. The best thing for both of you, therefore, was that she had gone over to the light, but it is
as said no one can force it. If you choose to help her over to the light and try to
influence her free will to free both her and yourself, that choice is yours and you must
decide for yourself. Mediums like me and those like me can help you with that if you don't feel like it
you have the opportunity to help her over yourself.
2. The woman's niece in Italy
Ask how our relationship with her goes.
Answer: The angels speak of the importance of being grounded here and of not letting fear and emotions go
U.S. Here, circumstances are not important and what we hear and what it is rumored about, but what we really know.
Don't rush too fast and draw hasty conclusions, but get facts about what the situation really is.
Those who are cautious and use their reason in the situation will always be better equipped than those who
acts with force based on their emotions.
In other words, you will do well if you feel confident that it pays to keep your head cold and
do what is necessary. Communication and the support you can deliver at the distance you are
you at will create the peace that both you and she need to cope with the situation. The importance of asking:
"What can we do to help?" gives both you and her the power to gain power over frustration and
helplessness. Together, we are strong people and can handle the most difficult situations whatever that means.
The power of love over thought extends to the longest distances and the most difficult situations.
3. I invented Medium E-Sport
The question I have shared with me about this through the internet, how do you do in connection with other people?
Medium E-Sports is a spiritual virtual sport that one usually uses mediumship / spirit gifts in computer and
video games, the kind of parapsychology technique I've spread about it through the internet. The question is about how my context
is with my visitors, mainly those who are also alive and born with mediumship. The sport is new in the world and
I in Jönköping am the very first Medium-E athlete and alone in the world with it so far.
Answer: Here the other side talks about the importance of looking at oneself and others with caution. They talk about which ones
expectations you and those who come in contact with you have. If expectations are low, you will be
surprised by the response, but if they are instead of highly placed you will be disappointed instead.
So the question is: what expectations do you have for Medium E-Sport and what expectations do you have for the response
that it will get from other people? Do other people know about Medium E-Sport? If they don't
the; how are you going to do so that they can find out? If they find out that Medium E-Sport exists,
then their expectations will be met so that they understand the benefits of the one that you who created it understands
the? How should you do to make them understand the benefits and what you know and understand?
There are many questions that the other side asks, but if you are going to get answers to your own questions you will need
Think about your own expectations and how to achieve the results you want. If you have not instead
a few expectations more than your own invention and the adventure of inventing it, then your own expectations
already met.
With that, the angels retreat.
All the best to you!
Light and peace
Michael Medium
Tue Apr 9 2020 at 10:30 am wrote:
Hi My name is Marcus Lindberg lives in Jönköping.
I announce Angel message / Guide at a distance that I intend to pay through bank giro regarding questions
to the angels.
preferably want the messages delivered in the mail for the 45 minutes.
Mvh Marcus L.
Änglabudskap genom Michael Medium Jönköping
Hej Marcus!
Här kommer änglabrevet som du har beställt av mig.
Jag bifogar det nedan i ett worddokument.
Hör av dig om det är några saker som du undrar över
eller om något är oklart.
Allt gott till dig
Michael Medium
Hej Marcus!
Här kommer det änglabrev som du har beställt. Trådarna som går igenom livets väv består av
egna val och det som är bestämt av ödet/karma. Därför kan inte denna typ av förutsägelse bli
något annat än en prognos. Det är viktigt att förstå detta innan du börjar att läsa svaren
som änglarna ger.
Områdena och Frågorna är1. Kvinnlig ande som har varit beroende av mig sedan 16 år tillbaka.
Frågan är vet änglarna om henne?
Svar: Änglarna talar om ditt öde och hur det är kopplat till henne. Den består av två delar; hennes
koppling till dig och din koppling till henne. Dels är du medial och upplever henne, och de upplevelserna
har varit viktiga för dig och för att acceptera dig själv samt de olika sidorna som du har. (Att du upplever
övernaturliga saker) Sedan har det med hennes koppling till dig. Hon är fast mellan världar av en särskild
orsak och eftersom du ger henne uppmärksamhet blir hon på ett sätt, som du säger, beroende av dig.
Änglarna är fullt medvetna om var hon är och vad hon gör. Det bästa stället för henne är inte att vara där
hon är just nu, men eftersom hon själv har valt att vara fast mellan världar kan inte änglarna tvinga henne
till att gå över till ljuset. Det finns oförlåtenhet kvar i henne och därför väljer hon själv att vara en
jordbunden ande. Du har blivit viktig för henne eftersom du är en av de få som kommunicerar med henne, men
egentligen mår inte du heller bra av att ha henne i din närhet. Du blir låg i humöret av hennes närhet och
hon tar din energi. Det bästa för er bägge hade därför varit att hon hade gått över till ljuset, men det är
som sagt ingen som kan tvinga fram det. Om du väljer att hjälpa henne över till ljuset och försöker att
påverka hennes fria vilja för att befria både henne och dig själv, det valet är ditt och det måste du
själv ta ställning till. Medium som jag och sådana som mig, kan hjälpa dig med det om du inte känner att
du har möjligheten att hjälpa henne över själv.
2. Kvinnans systerdotter i Italien
Fråga hur går vårt sammanhang med henne.
Svar: Änglarna talar om vikten att vara jordad här och att inte låta rädsla och känslorna att dra iväg med
oss. Här är inte omständigheterna viktiga och vad vi hör och vad det ryktas om, utan vad vi verkligen vet.
Ha inte för bråttom och dra förhastade slutsatser, utan skaffa fakta om hur situationen verkligen är.
De som är försiktiga och använder sitt förnuft i situationen, kommer alltid vara bättre rustade än de som
agerar med kraft utifrån sina känslor.
Med andra ord kommer det gå bra om ni känner tillit till att det lönar sig att hålla huvudet kallt och
göra det som är nödvändigt. Kommunikation och det stöd som ni kan leverera på det avstånd som ni befinner
er på kommer att skapa det lugn som både ni och hon behöver för att klara situationen. Vikten i att fråga:
”vad kan vi göra för att hjälpa till?” ger både er och henne kraften att få makten över frustration och
hjälplöshet. Tillsammans är vi människor starka och kan klara de svåraste situationer vad än det innebär.
Kärlekens om omtankens kraft sträcker sig över de längsta avstånd och de svåraste situationer.
3. Jag har uppfunnit Medium E-Idrotten
Frågan Jag har delat med mig om detta genom internet, hur går det i sammanhang med andra människor?
Medium E-Idrotten är en spirituell virtuell sport som man brukar mediumskap / andegåvor inom dator och
videospel, typ parapsykologi teknik jag har spridit om det genom internet. Frågan är om hur mitt sammanhang
är med mina besökare, främst de som är också lever och är födda med mediumskap. Sporten är ny i världen och
jag i Jönköping är den allra första Medium-E-idrottaren och ensam i världen med det hittills.
Svar: Här talar andra sidan om vikten om att se på sig själv och andra med försiktighet. De talar om vilka
förväntningar du och de som kommer i kontakt med dig har. Om förväntningarna är lågt ställda kommer du bli
förvånad över gensvaret, men är de istället för högt ställda kommer du istället bli besviken.
Så frågan är: vilka förväntningar har du på Medium E-Idrotten och vilka förväntningar har du på gensvaret
som den kommer att få ifrån andra människor? Känner andra människor till Medium E-Idrotten? Om de inte gör
det; hur skall du göra för att de skall få reda på det? Om de får reda på att Medium E-Idrotten finns,
kommer deras förväntningar infrias så att de förstår fördelarna med den som du som har skapat den förstår
det? Hur skall du göra för att få dom att förstå fördelarna och det du vet och förstår?
Det är många frågor som den andra sidan ställer, men om du skall få svar på dina egna frågor behöver du
fundera på dina egna förväntningar och hur du skall nå det resultat som du önskar. Om du istället inte har
några förväntningar mer än din egen uppfinning och äventyret att uppfinna den, då är dina egna förväntningar
redan mötta.
Med det drar sig änglarna tillbaka.
Allt gott till dig!
Ljus och frid
Michael Medium
Den tors 9 apr. 2020 kl 10:30 skrev
Hej Mitt namn är Marcus Lindberg bor i Jönköping
Jag meddelar om Änglabudskap/Vägledning på distans som jag tänker betala genom bankgiro angående frågor
till änglarna.
vill helst ha budskapen levererad i mail för de 45 minuter.
Mvh Marcus L.
onsdag 6 maj 2020
Google Traffic Search 2007-2020 by Tittharic (Marcus L.)
Google Traffic Search 2007-2020 by Tittharic (Marcus L.) & Salia (Rosalia L.)
Gottegrodan 2007-2008
LibraMark111 2008-today
Youtube: LibraMark111
Youtube: Tittharic
United Discoverer Spiritualismers (From Old Blogs 2009-2013)
United Discoverer Spiritualismers Jönköping Mania
Medium E-Sport spiritual world championship
Medium ESport spiritual world championship
The Virtual Spiritual World Championship
Champions frequency street Ekhagen
Champions frequency street Jönköping
Champions frequency street Sweden
Champions frequency street Sverige
Champions frequency street (The World)
The Bible as Psychic History
Home Stages:
Tovrida Udde 1990-1992
Tovrida Udde Tittharic
Skogskyrkogården Tittharic
Råslätt Tittharic
Råslätt Ideland 1991-1992
Ekhagen Winter Day Today
Ekhagen Jönköping Winter Today
Ekhagen Winter Night Today
Tittharic (Marcus L.) Identity:
Mediumship Bible Tittharic
Tittharic (Marcus L.) Appearance:
Pleiadian Marcus
Pleiadian Marcus Lindberg
Pleiadian Tittharic
Spiritual Gifts / Mediumship:
Mediumship quotes
Mediumship Panning
Mediumship Bible
Esport Parapsychology
E-sport Parapsychology
Schools he has been on:
Akiane Kramarik 2019
Akiane Kramarik Tittharic
Råslätt Ideland Akiane Kramarik
Skogskyrkogården Tittharic Akiane Kramarik
Rosalia Lombardo 2019
Råslätt Rosalia Lombardo´s Mushroom Kingdom
Råslätt Ideland Rosalia Lombardo
Rosalia Lombardo Tittharic
Rosalia Lombardo Marcus
Career and inventions:
Medium Jönköping
Bible as Psychic History Marcus Lindberg
Mediumship Bible Marcus Lindberg
Internet Superhero Tittharic
Internet Superhero Marcus Lindberg
Medium Esport
Medium E-Sport
Medium E-sport Jönköping
Medium Esport Jönköping
Medium Esport Sweden
Medium E-sport Sweden
Medium esport Tittharic
Medium E-Sport Tittharic
Medium E-Athlete
Medium E-Athlete Tittharic
A total of 63 searches 4 blogs Medium Esport Spiritual World Championship, Asperger, Medium, Atheist.,
United Discoverer Spiritualismers - Jönköping Mania, The Light Web and and 1 youtube Channel and Google
map account.
Around 2600 own images
Around 620 posts in four blogs
own 8 videos
19 video lists on Youtube with around 5880 videos
M.L. & R.L. 2020 6 may U.D.S.
tisdag 5 maj 2020
onsdag 29 april 2020
tisdag 28 april 2020
måndag 27 april 2020
lördag 18 april 2020
tisdag 7 april 2020
måndag 6 april 2020
lördag 4 april 2020
Google: Medium Jönköping
"Jag är nu en av sex personer som lever och är födda med mediumskap / Spirituella gåvor i Jönköping"
tisdag 31 mars 2020
söndag 29 mars 2020
tisdag 24 mars 2020
söndag 22 mars 2020
lördag 21 mars 2020
11 questions to a spectrosexual man
11 questions to a spectrosexual man and his response.
How do you have sex with a spirit?
By I was born with a spiritual gift / mediumship
clairkinesthesia physical contact with spirits and through
dolls or large pillows that the spirit uses as their physical body
How does the physical contact with spirits feel?
Almost exactly the same as a woman in physical life a woman who lives.
What might be the biggest reason that spirits have sexual
intercourse with you?
Because some of them have died without having any sexual intercourse
with anyone in life that they have primarily died at a young age,
never aged and been virgins for over 100 or several hundred years
or more.
Why would spirits want to have sexual intercourse with you than other men?
Because spiritual gift / mediumship clairkinesthesia physical
contact with spirits is a very exclusive gift that very few people
are born with.
Can female spirits become pregnant and give birth to babies?
No, because they are sterile.
Are the devil and demons having spectrosexuality to do?
No, they do not exist according to spiritualism.
Do you become undead or vampire if you have sexual intercourse
with spirits?
No, because it is an old Slavic myth that came into being with
Can you have sexual intercourse with angels?
No, because they are not human, as spirits were.
What do spirits look like?
Like normal humans
Can spirits that have died when they were children have
pectrosexual intercourse?
Not until they have developed into an adult in the spirit world
after 15-25 years most become short-grown but can materialize larger.
If a male spirit has sex with a woman in physical life a woman who
lives how do you think?
Male spirits cannot insert their penis because pillows and dolls
work only for female spirits, some mediums say males do not have
genitalia. Women born with clairkinesthesia physical contact with
spirits can still kiss or hug them with pillows anyway.
torsdag 12 mars 2020
tisdag 10 mars 2020
lördag 7 mars 2020
torsdag 5 mars 2020
tisdag 3 mars 2020
fredag 28 februari 2020
måndag 17 februari 2020
söndag 16 februari 2020
fredag 14 februari 2020
tisdag 11 februari 2020
måndag 10 februari 2020
Of the very first in the world to know the spirit world
Of the very first in the world who began to know angels, spirits,
God and the spirit world / heaven through the mediumship / spiritual
gifts he or she was born and lived with is just that and nothing else
in the context of anything else. The person was one between spirit
nature and human nature of human evolution also an individual in his
own thoughts than others, of a fate of which the person is not the
cause. All life in the world is linked to an everlasting family tree
and may be the basis of the love and friendship of the spirit world /
heaven mainly of the ancestors of particular tribal mothers and fathers
who live there. Which person was a living example of others who are
also born with mediumship / spiritual gifts in the world. What people
who are born with mediumship / spiritual gifts are born at random in
all continents, cultures, religions, coffers, rich or poor, etc.
The explanation for one of the major sources of how all people work
mentally today.
M.L. & R.L. 2020
söndag 9 februari 2020
lördag 8 februari 2020
fredag 7 februari 2020
How to make a 3D button for your blog on blogger to another website.
Step 1: Have Microsoft paint preferably of Windows 7 or 10 variation
Step 2: Have IrfanView which you can download free variation of
Step 3: At IrfanVeiw, go to Image, Effects and on to the 3D button
Step 4: To make a color frame on IrfanVeiw go Image to Canvas size
The rest you know for yourself if you have Blogger
onsdag 5 februari 2020
tisdag 4 februari 2020
tisdag 28 januari 2020
fredag 24 januari 2020
onsdag 22 januari 2020
Why is Tittharic (Marcus.L) one of the most spoiled and most irrelevant in the world?
Why is Tittharic (Marcus.L) one of the most spoiled and most irrelevant in the world?
"Because he is of a spiritual nature in collision with the nature of man's evolution of the mediumship / spiritual gifts he was born and lives with. Only some people in the world are born with spiritual gifts / mediumship and what they experience through their mediumship / spiritual gifts is what other people who are not born with this cannot experience some people born with mediumship / spiritual gifts cannot prove what they experience and live with it in silence.Tittharic (Marcus.L) has invented what is called Medium E-Sport (Using Mediumship / Spiritual Gifts in Computer and Video Games) and is not interested in anything else, living in solitude with few close people with the closeness he has with the spirit world through his mediumship. He also lives under the social service for his Asperger syndrome with housing allowance and sickness benefit under Swedish constitution without having to work with his own home in independence."
tisdag 21 januari 2020
What does the name Tittharic stand for?
What does the name Tittharic stand for?
"The name stands for being part of a very honorable time that no longer lasts and that one lives an age under tyrannical leadership that many in Generations Y and Z live by, with pride, arrogance, anti-individualism and status and power before morality and ethics.Tittharic is inspired by the RMS Titanic a boat that was the very best boat ever and other boats after is worse than the RMS Titanic.Those called e.g. Tittharic, Ms. Tittharic, Tittharic kid, Old man tittharic and others .. are those who live consciously on the basis of the honest time consists of of the Honorable Age is because of people born with mediumships / spiritual gifts, and of the people who basically reason to know God, angels, spirits, and the spirit world, of the spirit universal laws of nature that flowed through those in collision with human evolution (human nature) of evolution in the world, they bear the name Tittharic because they are themselves born of mediumship / spiritual gifts and that they know what the name stands for."
söndag 12 januari 2020
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