måndag 5 augusti 2024

13 facts about spectrosexual relationships with female spirits


13 facts about spectrosexual relationships with female spirits

13. They have nothing to do with the devil or other demons

12. You don't become undead like a vampire by having sex with them

11. They look like ordinary women

10. They are sterile

9. They make themselves bigger and smaller according to how big you are

8. They do not require sacrifices to have sex with them

7. It neither harms nor kills others if you have sex with them

6. Some of them have good spirit bodies and beautiful appearances

5. Their thoughts and feelings are the same as when they were alive

4. They can read your thoughts and feelings

3. If you have had sex with any of them, they are dependent on you for the rest of your Life

2. Physical contact with them through Clairkinesthesia feels almost exactly the same as with a woman in physical Life

1. They can be attracted to someone for the modern times they live in by living a better and more modern life than the time they lived in

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