lördag 24 augusti 2024

Awareness of life after death 👻⚰️

Awareness of life after death or not and how much experience about this is the reasons for how you live your life some are born with spiritual gifts / mediumship and live life the right way depending on how much experience they have about this while others are born without spiritual gifts / mediumship live their lives completely differently and some approach in the wrong way. Life after death is the future that comes to one whether one is aware of it or not where one's future in the spirit world / heaven is determined by how someone has lived their life many people can't help that they are wasting their lives living their life in the wrong way due to the ignorance of life after death due to not being born with spiritual gifts / mediumship to live life rightly while those who are born with spiritual gifts / mediumship live life rightly with a very good ahead in the spirit world / heaven that awaits them it depends on whether they believe or not. 

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