lördag 17 augusti 2024

How do you do when you live with kind of spiritual gifts in another part of the world without any access to facts about it.


How do you do when you live with kind of spiritual gifts in another part of the world without any access to facts about it.

When you live in another part of the world with spiritual gifts surrounded by people who cannot understand you and you have no access to any facts about it, you need to do this:

You should have your own computer or mobile phone with access to the internet, through that you search through Google for example "Mediumship" "Spiritualism" "psychic medium" "friendly spirits" or anything that you can think of close to this it may appear some of the search for that or similar what you should most focus on are mediums (people with the same or similar spiritual gifts as you) through them you will find much more information about what you live with you can find knowledge e.g. about spirits, about your spiritual gifts, links to other websites with much more facts, videos through YouTube, etc.

you have access to a lot of facts about what you live with a big disadvantage to this is if you can't prove to other people that you live with spiritual gifts you should be alone and keep the knowledge to yourself you can through the internet have contact with other people (people with the same or similar spiritual gifts as you) through several different paths through e.g. chats, email, phone, streaming, etc.

if you can't identify your spiritual gifts you should name the gifts yourself you can also create a blog, have a profile on social media or your own website where you share your experiences with others if you live among other people who believe that your parnormal experiences are due to something else such as mental illness or "demon influence" then you should search through the internet for facts about it also when it comes to demons most mediums claim that there is no such thing as demons or hell and you can find facts through them about it and when it comes to mental illness it applies if it is really safe if it is true it may be true and you should listen more to your doctors, it may be that you are a mixture between autism and spiritual gifts then the combination may give you other benefits such as your brain is exceptional where you should have care for both spiritual gifts and autism if you live you really live with spiritual gifts then you should primarily listen to people who also live with spiritual gifts because they have the most experience about this.

Good Luck! M.L & R.L. 2024

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